Photo credit: Insider
This page includes potential questions for discussion for each day of the residency.
HOMEWORK: Day 1 and Day 2
Do you think Shakespeare's success in playwriting is due to his being an actor?
How to detach, deconstruct and reconstruct, remove intention from language: How we use our ears to see – No vs Know/Inflection = Meaning
Seeing/Looking and Hearing/Listening; Watch or Witness?
Regarding last night’s homework:
How do you feel about adaptation of one work into another genre?
Were there Similarities, overlaps in deconstructing language between the genres (i.e. What if the character from your excerpt was involved a tragic accident and scarred and that is relevant, but not mentioned in your excerpt. How do you relay this information? Or do you need to?
How many different ways did you discover you had to “re”-think the telling, the exposition, of your story?)
HOMEWORK: Day 2 and Day 3
CRUX TIME: We will meet briefly to answer any pressing questions, but this evening is the time to get to writing.
HOMEWORK: Day 3 and Day 4
HOMEWORK: Day 4 and Day 5
Prior to performing your work, reflect on the transformation your work has undergone. How much has changed in your approach to character now compared to the excerpt and the original story?