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Business Administration Research

Fant Library's guide to resources for research in business administration. Here you'll find access to books in print or online, databases for scholarly articles and hard data, ways to connect with the industry, and access to library help online or in pers

Use NexisUni

NexisUni can be used to find data, especially on specific companies.

From the main page of the NexisUni database you can start a keyword search using the search bar at the top, or click through to the business topics section using the button at the bottom. Either is a good option, but the business section will narrow your results to field specific entries.

Screen grab of the NexisUni home page. A red arrow points to the search box at the top of the page. Another red arrow points to the Business Topics button at the bottom left of the page.


The business topic section in this database gives you several options for searching or browsing also. From here you can conduct a keyword search for broader topics or terms, search for a companies by name or by ticker, or browse company dossiers. 

Screen grab of the Business Topics section of Nexis Uni. Red boxes outline the search bar at the top of the page, the company dossier search at center left, and the company search at bottom right.


NexisUni also has a great set of search tips for using their database. Click on the Tips link under the search bar and a Tips window will pop up. There you can find information on the best search practices for finding what you need specifically in NexisUni. Need somewhere to start? You can also check trending topics in the business section near the header.

Screen grab of main Business Topics section. A red box outlines the Key Topics section at the top of the page. Another red box outlines the Tips button just underneath the search bar.