Rooms are reserved for academic use for MUW and MSMS students only.
Students and faculty must reserve a study room using their school email address.
Study rooms may not be reserved for more than two hours at a time.
Study rooms may be reserved once per student per day.
Single reservations may be booked from 8:00am-6:00pm. After 6:00pm study rooms are reserved for groups only.
Rooms A-J, L, and M require a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 4 people.
Rooms D, K, and Seminar A require a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 6 people.
The student reserving the study room must verify their ID number at the Checkout Desk before the room will be unlocked.
There is a 30-minute grace period after the start of the reservation time. Students who do not show after 30 minutes forfeit their reservation.
The student reserving the room assumes responsibility for the state of the room. Please leave the room as you found it. Please clean the whiteboard and toss any trash when you leave.
Reserve Equipment
Are all the study rooms booked? Make your own study space anywhere! To check out items like cameras, speakers, whiteboards, projectors, and more, click the Equipment button on the library homepage, or click this link!
Fant Library faculty or staff will review your application and enable your card within 24-hours.
How to access the library:
Card swipe access is available after library hours through the Common Grounds coffee shop doors.
Card swipe access to the library is restricted to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff of MUW or MSMS who submit a User Agreement Form and have been approved.
You will need to have a Galaxy-enabled ID card to access the library after hours. Your ID card will need to be activated by the Fant Library personnel BEFORE you will be able to access the library.
If you do not have a Galaxy-enabled ID card (see the User Agreement Form to see if you do not), you will need to obtain one from the MUW Police Department, located in McDevitt Hall, during normal business hours (8am-5pm, Monday through Friday).
The 24-hour space swipe reader is at the back entrance door near the café, and will be swipe access only after the library is closed.