Register for a free Zotero user account:
On a PC, set Preferences in Zotero by clicking Edit on the Zotero menu and then selecting Preferences. [On a Mac, in the Zotero menu, select Preferences]
Zotero's online syncing allows you to access your Zotero library on any computer with internet access. Zotero syncing has two parts: data syncing and file syncing.
In Zotero Preferences:
Click the Sync tab and enter your Zotero Username and Password
Click the Set Up Syncing button
Select and update the scripts for commonly used citation styles.
In Zotero Preferences:
Click the Cite tab
Click the Styles tab
If you do not see a style you think you will be using, or even if you see a style you think you will be using, note the date that style was last updated in your Zotero installation
Click Get additional styles
On the Zotero Style Repository page that appears, search for the style and note the date last updated. If the date is more recent than the Zotero installed file, click the Install link
If you have Microsoft Word or LibreOffice installed on your computer, when you first install Zotero a Zotero add-in will also be installed in the word processor. Note: Make sure your word processor is closed when you install Zotero.
After you install Zotero, check to see if the Microsoft Word add-in is present. In Windows, you will see a Zotero tab on the Word toolbar. On a Mac, you will either see the Zotero tools hovering over Word to the left of the screen or you will find a Zotero menu in the Applescripts menu.
If you do not see this tab/menu, and you need to install the Zotero add-in for your word processor...
In Zotero Preferences:
Click the Cite tab
Click the Word Processors tab
If you see The Microsoft Word add-in is not currently installed, click the Install Microsoft Word Add-in button
Click the OK button at the bottom of the window
You can highlight references in the Zotero middle pane and drag them into any text field, (e.g., an open word processing file, to generate a bibliography in any supported style.) To set the default Quick Copy bibliographic style:
In Zotero Options Preferences:
Click the Export tab
Below Default Format select your default style