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Spanish Culture and Civilization : Home

Getting Started

Welcome to the Spanish LibGuide! Here you will find resources for learning about and researching Spanish and Latin American language, literature, and culture through print and digital literature and audio visual media. 

The following sites are gateways to Spanish resources.



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Spanish Short Film - Cuerdas 2014

Winner of the 2014 Hermosillo International Film Festival, Mexico, for Best Animation Short Film.

Updates to Our Services

Starting August 2nd, there will be a few changes to our in-person services: 

  • Book Pickup: Fant Memorial Library will offer curbside pick up, as well as contactless delivery of in-house books, holds, and Athena books within the library. Text the library at 662-596-1053 to let us know which book you would like, and we'll arrange a time for you to pick it up. If you'd like to pick it up in the library, the books will be available to the left of the Checkout Desk on a designated cart and use our Self-Checkout machine.  All books will be quarantined for three days after return per IMLS book protocols. The second floor circulating collection will be available only by requesting materials,  That area of the library is closed at this time.
  • Swipe Card Access: MUW and MSMS staff, faculty, and enrolled students may enter the library by swiping their Galaxy-enabled ID card.  During library hours, swipe in on the front right library doors.  After hours, you can access the 24/7 room via the double doors next to the Common Grounds coffee shop.  Sign up for swipe access here. If your ID is not Galaxy-enabled, Campus Police will issue new IDs Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm.
  • Safety: All patrons are required to wear face masks that cover your nose and mouth and practice social distancing of six feet at all times in the library to maintain a healthy, safe environment. Sanitizing wipes and hand gel will be provided. The library will use an electrostatic mister in between study space reservations.  Additionally, the library will quarantine any returned materials for three days per IMLS recommendations.
  • 24 Hour Computer Lab Access: In order to provide a clean environment, the 24-hour study space will be open 24 hours a day from Sunday morning until Thursday night.  The lab will be closed on Friday and Saturday for cleaning purposes.  Fill out an application to access the computer lab outside of library hours via swipe access using the double doors behind the Common Grounds coffee shop in the library.  
  • Study rooms and pods: Currently, we are restricting study room use for social distancing purposes.  One person at a time may occupy the small study rooms.  The larger study rooms will accommodate two people with social distancing.  We are also now checking out our single-use "pods." View our policies for study rooms.  Reserve pods or study rooms starting 8/2/20 via the library's website.
  • Archives and Special Collections: Patrons must make an appointment to visit the Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections.  To make an appointment or request more information, please email Vic Jones at 
  • Appointments for Public Patrons: Public patrons may make appointments to visit the library to use reserved computers, available resources, and services. There will be no cash transactions and no public printing.  Use the link above or contact the library for an appointment by phone, chat, email, or text 


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Hillary Richardson

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