Short Quotations (less than 40 words)
- Use double quotation marks.
- Always include a full citation.
- Place parenthetical citation at the end of the quotation or the end of the sentence.
- For a narrative citation, include the author and the year in the sentence and the page number(s) in parentheses at the end of the quotation. For one page number, use the abbreviation "p." and for a page range, use "pp."
- Place punctuation after the closing parenthesis for a citation.
- Examples:
- The item read, "What were the best aspects of the program for you?" (Shayden et al., p. 304).
- Biebel et al. (2018) noted that "incorporating the voice of students with psychiatric disabilities into supported education services can increase access, involvement, and retention" (p. 299).
Block Quotation (40 words or more)
- Do not use quotation marks.
- Start quote on a new line.
- Indent whole block 0.5 in. from left margin.
- For additional paragraphs within quote, indent another 0.5 in.
- Double-space entire block quotation.
- Do not include a period after closing citation parentheses.