Information about paintings, photographs, sculptures, or other works of art can usually be presented in the text rather than in a note or bibliography.
Pablo Picasso, Bull’s Head, Spring 1942, Bicycle saddle and handlebars, 33.5 × 43.5 × 19 cm, Musée Picasso Paris.
Shortened Footnote
Picasso, Bull's Head.
Picasso, Pablo. Bull’s Head. Spring 1942. Bicycle saddle and handlebars, 33.5 × 43.5 × 19 cm. Musée Picasso Paris.
When using CMoS the Jewish or Christian scriptures usually appear in notes rather than bibliographies
The Chicago Manual of Style recommends that anyone working extensively with biblical references refer to The SBL Handbook of Style.
1 Thess. 4:11, 5:2-5, 5:14.
Shortened Footnote
1 Thess 4:11, 5:2-5, 5:14.